It is said ;God can do miracles and that everything could change in the blink of an eye . But never have I believed in this. Or it would be more fitting to say, that I never thought it would happen to me!
But who are we fooling, he is the Almighty , surely one mastermind! He changed all my beliefs in one single day. June 26.
A day we can never forget. If you ask me, the most eventful month we have had since our wedding was June 2018. So much was happening at the same time…We had finally cleared our home off the Dettol smell. We were stuck in the middle of house shifting ,because our tenancy contract got rejected; half of our stuff were already packed in boxes; Argentina was not doing well in the World cup and had a final chance to qualify for pre quarters ; we had furniture being delivered and so on.. The funny part was that ,the result of these came down to one day and that was the 26th day of the 6th month of 2018..26/6/18.
Since we had trouble keeping track of all these in our heads , we decided to jot all our problems on the little white board.

The board on June 25,evening
Since luck had not been in favor of us for the past few months ,we had zero hope of any of this working out .. Especially the one written as “Afi job”. Those of you who have been reading my blog would know that for a while now , I have been searching for a job in UAE ( . And so far I had had no luck with it. On June 23rd night one of my batch mates in college sends me a message in LinkedIn about an opening and instructs me to contact one of our seniors in college. And that is how it all began.
We killed time on June 25 waiting for the 26th . On the morning of 26th I recited prayers more than I usually do, I was so tensed I couldn’t do anything else. The first positive news came out at morning 11:00. Our fridge got delivered, and electricity was ready in our proposed new apartment. Afternoon passed uneventful. Meanwhile I was waiting for a call back regarding my job .. I kept my phone close, even took it with me to the bathroom, It didn’t ring. It was evening and by then I had dropped all hopes on the job. I put my phone on silent mode and shoves it away under the pillow . 15 minutes after I do this and I come check my phone I find 3 missed calls! Can you believe it! 15 hours I keep it with me and it wouldn’t ring ,5 minutes I keep it away and I had missed calls! See; that is what God can do to us.
Finally ,I make a call back ,to know that after 6 months of wait, I finally got myself an interview; a proper INTERVIEW!! Our happiness had no bounds! From then I started preparing for the interview, halfheartedly because my team had started playing!
By 11:45 another good news.. Argentina WON!!! Oh my happiness! We hugged, got up, and started striking out everything on that board one by one. We just couldn’t believe our luck.
On June 27th I attend my interview and afternoon I got a call back. I had hit the JACKPOT! I was HIRED! I was asked to join the very next day. Yes ! It all happened so fast that even we took our time digesting it.

That feeling when you could finally check ‘job’ on your wish list.
The funniest thing happened next when we informed our news to friends and family. Or maybe it’s partially my fault. Because I had concluded my last blog post with. “awaiting the good luck we were promised , since chicken pox is considered a blessing from God” ( Anyways, we call them and inform that there is a good news. Some guessed I was pregnant ,some thought we had shifted to new place and some guessed correct that I got a job. Whatever the guess was ,it was all followed with a line and that was “See. Didn’t we tell you chicken pox brings good luck??!When are you going to write the next post ??”. Even though I laughed with them then, back home ,at night I was wondering how selfless God’s love is! I know he is the one who bought me good luck and yet all the credit went to the mighty chicken pox virus. In my mind, I couldn’t help but tell him; if only you had given me this job last month no one would have stolen your credit!”
The following week passed at lightning speed. We shifted to new place, I started working , most our stuff were still in boxes, we were dining from restaurants…In short a complete mess. Packing and unpacking is the worst thing about shifting; but do you know what is the best thing about it?? Yes! It is room décor! So last weekend we were busy with shopping . It was our first time setting up a place together so we took care to buy everything on mutual agreement, which was not difficult since we had almost similar likes and dislikes. The only time we had a disagreement was when he wanted to buy a 40 AED tool kit to fix a 12 AED clock! And of course we too had the ‘bean bag’ problem which on my visit to the furniture shop I realized was somewhat becoming a universal problem.!

When he has money to buy tool box, but not my dress
Anyhow we are settled now. We finally converted our place to our own little “home”. I hope my chicken pox blessing story was able to lift up the sprits of some of you out there who are feeling a bit low.. But you got the trick now. Right? We were all saying our prayers wrong this whole time. Just quit everything now and start praying to get chickenpox! The wonder disease!

The 12 AED clock just hanging on there.. on a nail.. struck in using an entire tool kit! I wonder why my love keeps praying it never falls down! haha..